I guess the stress and tiredness of the move hasn’t yet been recovered from but I at least feel rested. I have slept well, warm and enjoyed our first night HEAVY rains that sounded like music in Hughes and the second night winds that sounded like they could knock the building over ( it held fast=) however one of the dogs insisted on needing to go out at 3:am…so here I was in my jammies in the crazy wind walking and saying “ hurry up and make this worth it!”.
I have been back to work the past two days , making my 1 hour and 20 min to 2 hour drive ( one way), as well as Michael who’s been doing some work at the historical foundation building itself and where he has been shown the books and history of our building and has been going through those…I have yet to be able to myself but we have found that our building is actually been built in 1907 , the reason for the newer date shown on real estate record was a huge fire in the 50’s that had paperwork and records starting over . I KNEW there was no way the building was built in 1952!
Also he’s been going through the census history of who has inhabited our place. From doctors to photographers and a brothel to a church and more…..I’ll start posting about some of this as we go. He even has a list of phone numbers from the building over time…back when it was only four numbers!!! Also if a “colored” person lived in the building it would have a C next to the number…so even getting way back then type of history of the building.
Not sure if anyone believes in it but the talk of the spirits that walk the island goes around and of course I’ve heard it. I have been told by a few that many buildings have a negative energy but everyone who’s walked into our building only feels positive. I myself feel that it’s what we ourselves bring to it however. Either way positive is good so I’ll focus on that=) We need to get the building blessed though ( hint hint)!
So far still no power. We need a new Tpole erected and that’s sent us on some long wild goose chases…so now I’m just over it and having the power company do their own. Which by now would have saved us money as well as time and effort and we would have power.
Still no water and still “camping out” as Michael has to do a few plumbing and piping things before it can even be turned on.
Same with the gas.
The dogs are doing much better and much more settled down…still a bit annoyed with each other but more than likely lack of exercise has a lot to do with that. Sadly Wrench and Sobi have both lost a lot of weight over it all just from stress.
I am still loving the life of walking distance to the coffee shop, an enjoyable walk with the dogs, walking to restaurants and so on. Seeing people you know along the way and chatting.
I am finding more people interested in my high quality pet foods and ordering from me here in the area so that is cool. I am becoming known here as the “ pet expert” like West U! haha…not so much but I do know my nutrition. Sad though when right now my weimaraner looks so skinny ( he’s such a high stress case and this move has really done some work on him over a weeks time) and my Sobi is always skinny due to his mal-absorption disease , un-functioning pancreas and bad liver that he was born with , however I still can show before and after photo’s of Jolt and that really gets peoples attention! Haha Wrench and Sobi will be back to normal in about a week or so. I have gone back to feeding tripe in their food which I often do for skin and coat anyways as well as it’s great for Sobi’s health issues and add’s some fat and then also adding some egg and yogurt into their dinner right now too plus increased their Honest Kitchen dehydrated raw food as well. ( ohhh and some treats never hurt=).
Today I am off and a beautiful day so I will took them for some good play time and sunshine that helped them too. Boy do they love playing fetch inside the building! But they sound like a heard of elephants on the loft wooden floors! I just end up rolling a ball like bowling and off they go!
So I am at that place where I am that person who watches shows or reads articles ( Dwell is awesome) and see people who convert really cool old warehouses and then think “ wow, that would just be so cool to some day do something so cool like that!” but now I catch myself still totally awed that I’m like “ we ARE actually DOING this!” and then at other times I’m like “ ARE we crazy?!” haha
Enjoy some more photos of Hughes. ….

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